This is my project. The complete analysis of a plot of land. Including temperatures, organisms, and features.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Visit #7! 11/3/10

 Visit #7

It was much colder out this time around. Almost all the trees where bright orange or yellow, and those that were not were completely leave-less. I noticed many squirrels getting their nuts ready. I saw what I think was deer tracks in the mud next to the creek.
Temp: 47º
Length of Day: 10:13

Friday, October 29, 2010

Visit #6 10/25/10

This time I think I saw a frog/small fish in the creek. That was a first. Also I heard geese flying south overhead. Magical.

Temp: 58º

Monday, October 25, 2010

Visit #5 10/18/2010

Most of the leaves this time were completely changed, or off the trees. Fall is falling fast. More pictures to come later tonight. This water is taken last week, but I haven't had a chance to test it due to the break.

Length of Day: 10:16
Temp: 60º

Friday, October 15, 2010

Visit #4: 10/11/2010

Yes. I skipped a week. Shame on  me, I had a busy week. More pictures to follow, as I am having some trouble with my camera. Sorry about the darkness, practice went late.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visit # 2! 9/20/10

This time around there were  changes to the climate. It was much cooler and more comfortable. Leaves were starting to turn colors even.

Length of Day: 12: 16
Temperature:  65º

I also noticed the tracks of a woodland mammal. Likely a raccoon. 

I also noticed a strange metallic shimmer to the water in areas. I think it could be gasoline or some form 
of chemical pollution. 

Here is also the updated EDD with the phosphate tested from this visit. You will noticed there is no second trial, and that is because I accidently dumped all my water out before I could do a second trial. Woops. I've also added an "average" column for the results.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Experimental Design Diagram

The First EDD! Along with the first data taken from my first visit. 

    Introduction to the Land

    Turns out my land is more of a hike to get to than I thought. Also, 30 seconds isn't enough to properly introduce anyone to land, especially with MacBook video quality. There were many mosquitos, birds, and I'm sure other woodland mammals. I also gathered water samples to be test in an EDD in a later post. 

    Temp: 67º F

    Time: 7:14 PM 

    Length of Day: 12:35 

    Sunrise Time: 7:25 AM

    Sunset Time: 7:58 PM 

    Other pictures: